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How to Become a Football Coach

Posted on 23-11-2022 at 18:21 by James H.

Do you have questions about how to become a football coach? Here is everything you need to know on the topic plus information on how Coachability can help grow your football coaching business.

What is a football coach?

A coach is a person entrusted with teaching the players key skills and preparing them for competitive games, while also assisting the manager with personnel decisions and strategy. This position is highly responsible and requires a strong presence of mind and character integrity, as well as a lot of knowledge. There are coaching jobs of various levels, from youth coaches who primarily teach simple drills to top professionals who are employed by the Premier League clubs. The job of a coach is very dynamic and involves a lot of challenges on a daily level, as anyone working with a large group of people can attest. Still, for people who love the game of football, this could be a dream job that allows them to stay directly involved with their favourite sport even after they grow too old to actively play.

How to become a football coach?

The process of becoming a football coach has its informal and formal side. Most essentially, a person that intends to work as a coach needs to possess at least basic football knowledge, preferably backed up with some playing experience in the past. A high level of passion for the game and readiness for hands-on work with players are crucial preconditions as well. Even if all this is true, it’s still necessary to attend a formal course which can teach the future coach some very important lessons about football work. The entry-level course lasts only five days and can be completed at the most convenient location. Only after finishing the training program and acquiring formal certification can a coach start to gather practical experience and earn money by working individually with players or getting hired by a team. For further reading on how to become a football coach click here

What qualifications do you need to become a football coach?

In the United Kingdom, it’s necessary to have a formal license in order to be able to work as a football coach. The licenses are issued by the Football Association (FA), the main national body for this sport which is also responsible for organising the training courses for coaches. Depending on the type of qualification the individual earned (Level 1, Level 2, etc.), the coach will have the opportunity to work in different positions. In addition to the coaching license, it’s also necessary to obtain the Emergency First Aid certificate, as well as the Disclosure and Barring Service certificate, and a copy of the criminal record in order to teach football to kids. It may take some time and money to collect all of the necessary qualifications, but no respectable sports organisation in the UK would consider hiring a coach that doesn’t have them.

What skills do you need to be a football coach?

The most important skills a football coach must have can be roughly divided into three main categories. Football-related skills are obviously essential, as a good coach must understand the modern game as well as the expectations from players at each position. A coach should also know a lot of useful practice drills that can help players improve their fundamental moves. Another group of coaching skills could be described as people skills – coaches are primarily teachers and have to build personal connections with their wards. They must be flexible and forgiving, but also aware of when to take control and enforce the rules more strictly. Finally, coaches need to be in good enough physical condition to endure the long hours and constant movement during the training sessions. A coach is also a role model for the players, so his demeanour must always remain calm and collected, even when under the greatest stress.

How many hours does a football coach work?

Football coaches definitely don’t work from nine to five, and instead spend as much time on the field with the players as necessary to accomplish the training objectives set by those who hire them. The exact hours greatly depend on the mode of employment, as coaches working for clubs may have a fixed schedule while those specialising in individual work could have to be more flexible. It’s not rare for a full-time football coach to work more than 40 hours a week, especially when counting all the hours spent on preparation. Of course, coaches that are in high demand and work a lot of hours are usually handsomely financially rewarded for their efforts.

What is the salary of a football coach?

It goes without saying that the level of compensation depends on the experience and quality of the coaching professional. Those coaching at the local level or in youth football tend to make far less than their colleagues who sign with a big club. The average salary for a football coach in the United Kingdom is around £23,000 per year, amounting to approximately 15 pounds per hour. However, elite coaches that work for Premier League teams can make several times as much, with annual salaries in the 80K-100K range being quite common. While this is still a far cry from the numbers cleared by top players and managers, it’s not too bad for a job that most people enjoy doing anyway.

What is Coachability?

If you have the ambition to become a high-level football coach and need a platform to promote your career and gain new opportunities, Coachability has an offer tailor-made for you.Coachability is the nation’s leading private football coaching platform with more than 115 verified coaches across the United Kingdom. Coaches have their own customisable profile page linked to their geographical area. Coaches can include a bio, set their availability, include photos and videos, receive reviews and set their own hourly rates. Parents and players looking for private football training can directly message a coach via the platform or submit a booking request. Coachability is a perfect fit for an individual looking for a football coaching job that provides flexibility and an amazing rate of pay. For further information take a look at our dedicated Coach FAQ page.

How do I Apply to Join Coachability?

If you meet our minium requirements, which are a minium FA level 2 coaching qualification, a minium 5 years coaching experience and an enhanced DBS you can apply to become a coach by starting here

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